Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hi  All,

  Well its been a very long time since I posted.

I am still here but been a lot on the go. Just finished school in December received my Law office certificate with an 85 % average. It was a great course and was able to do it all on line. Interesting going to school with all my classmates spread out over Ontario, as well as instructors.

Painting is / was going well up to march when we had our last show.  It was a good show, but life has intruded substanialy on painting ect.

All is working much smother now. Some decisions have been made, the most dramatic of which is I have decided a change of location is in order. So, I am moving to Vancouver in December. Its a bit scarry but  I always land on my feet.

Will write more latter......... hope all are well......Go In  Peace