Friday, May 31, 2019

Good Day,

So tomorrow is June 1. Lets Go Summer!

Here is the Poem Written by my friend Darren  about the painting Tenacious Flow,  from last posting

Abstract isn't even the half of it
While the rest is perfect camouflage
A Technicolor coat On canvas
Brought from yonder back and a short portage
Where seeing ain't believing
And feeling ain't deceiving
But turn this truth to inside out;
I'll show you a liner made of limestone
If you'll agree that such panoply of colour
Doesn't make the man a liar
But some campfire And sun made tea
The shade and hues of summer eve
The dusk and dawn splash across a puzzle
And park upon a canvas Solid lines of black are rent
Via the patience of a tree That lacking superhuman strength
Does the work of a hundred we But in such years our fates will ne'er bequeath
They're there but underneath
And as a poem is to literature By another's eyes much brighter Colours seeing
The keeper of the yellow hues In his under grounded musings
Applies his vaunted scene To the workings of a tree
And presents it thus aglow With his signature of yellow
Helping us with dull eyes see Tenacious flow.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Hello. A New Work

Hello All. 

Here  is the Newest Work, Tenacious Flow 24 x 48,  in Oil. It is based on a small rock face at the waters edge. It was  a  collaboration with a friend who is a poet.  I did the painting he wrote a poem based on the painting and Me as the artist. I do not have a copy of the poem as yet but will post it when I do. Both presented at the Tuesday  Muse Poetry group.  I was a fun night with about 12 very diverse presentations, assorted libations and Cake!.

Most of it was done with pallet knife. A new experience for me, I now am working on some more pallet knife works. two of which were started on a recent trip in to the bush in early May. Hope to post them soon.

The  painting on the wall behind is in progress, oil and 36 x 36, no title as yet.

Hope all are well. Go in peace.

Norman K.