Thursday, November 17, 2011

Time of Change

 Home and Away, oil 30 x 36

The Idea for this work came while standing waiting for the bus with my son one cold winters night. We were at a major intersection here in town the wind was strong of the bay. peering into the gloom  for that band of light that signaled the warm bus was comming to take my son home. cars stoping for traffic lights every one huddled in steel boxes going where? Why?  Home? shopping? end of long days or just the begining.  Bus comes,  son heads home.
 I walk back to my home wind at my back.  A cup of strong coffee awaits.
A new painting, is begun.

Lots going on  here by the bay.  A new art group has begun "Artists below the line".  we are 10. Banded together to support and raise awarnes of artists striving to create while living below the poverty line.  We are working to find locations to display and  are hopping to have a show in march. 

Bit of pontificating now.

 The world is going through a bit of a shake up these day s...Europe is  crashing finanacialy,  the ripple effects of october 2008 are comming to roost.  Canadas economy is slipping into ressesion.  Parks are being "occupied".   I support the occupy movment. I understand the frustration and desire for change that drives it.  It is fractured and seems disorginised. but it is a begining. small little ripples from across the land, which in time will effect change.  suport it   for like all the people in going home and away. we must all work together, to make positive change.  give time  localy. Start a ripple, they grow, things change.  Life  prospers. 

Go in peace.

Hope all are well. Work for peace... Norman k.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Summers end...Falls Begining.....

                                       Breathtaking,  Oil, on wood.
                                       6ft high x 34 wide

This is the latest  work. It is currently showing at the Library Gallery show till the end of the month.  It is constructed of salvaged lumber, and painted in oil paint and tremclad.  I used tremclad as it  has a high glosss and comes in small cans so not a lot of waste. Trying to do works from salvagable materials. It is based on a poem  Maria wrote last year, she and two friends  spent most of the last night at summer camp  on the end of the dock.  Which ended as the sun came up.

Well  summer is ending  this passed week has been  windy brisk and rain.
But it was a great summer!! got in a great camping trip with Maria, in july  which was spent drawing and painting.  we went to bark lake, exploring the south west sidde of the lake. Next year we are talking about  doing the north east side  which is an archapeligo of small islands.

 The Thaksgiving weekend a group of us went to a small lake north of bon echo P.P ..... the weather was fantastic, shorts and t shirts all weekend and no buzzing   skiters!!  did a lot of painting  just relaxing, camping with friends is good,  chores are shared and  it was a relaxing weekend.

 On the studio front things are going well working on new stuff and trying to finish  the all the ones in "progress".. as a number of paintings that are out in community are going to be swithch out at the end of november. its like having the kids come home some have been out for 6 months.
as for the market stall things are slow, sold a few but am getting a lot of positive comments and I will do the stall again next season.

Hope all are well .... Norman k.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Life's Flows and Changes

Hi All,  

Well theres been a few changes and stuff going on.  Friends moving, changing Jobs.  Our boss at work, has moved to Winnipeg. Her husband is in the forces and he got promoted, so off they went last week. Mini van loaded and trailer behind, Westward Ho they go!..... She will be missed, she was a good boss and I have great respect for her. 

On the home front,  Apartment mates are leaving and  a fellow artist is moving in. So, that should be interesting. and given he is my age (old and crusty lol) a little more tranquil and condusive to painting.

On the art front things are going well  this is the painting i just finished for the Bay of Quinte Restoration group. the theme was to have local photographers, provide pictures and than local artist interpret, in total there are 15 of each.  The show is at Gallery art plus till Aug 4

This is the painting about  half finished. It is 5 ft long and 30 inches wide.
Oil painted on 1/4 inch plywood. and 4 inches deep. the white openings, will have water colors. It is resting on a scaffold, I built, it is 6 ft long and 4 ft high.

This is the finished Painting. As it hangs in the gallery. Thats me and my daughter Maria.

Starting to work on two for the fall Jurried show.  details to follow.

the stall at the market is going well. Not sold any yet, but had lots of interest.
I am generally happy with how its going.  I have just returned from a 5 day canoe trip on bark lake. Took maria with me, we just base camped and did day trips. Lots of little paintings and schetces, we found a really nice spot where a creek flowed out of the woods into the lake, we were able to paddle a short way up, and be under the tree canopy.  We schetced  for 2 hours, and ate lunch. it was very cool and quite. 

I hope to go back to the small lake i was on last year in aug as i have some more hollidays still.  

To all who have commented thanks you.   hope all are well.
  bring peace to the world around you
Norman k.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New work at last

REPOSE, OIL  32 X 40

Hi All, been very busy of late, here is one of three new ones.  it comes from the resolution of a change in life over the past three years, started real bad but ended very good. and as per the tile things are at rest and resolution.

Busy getting the stall ready to start next week. and am working on a work for the improvment of the bay of quinte project. it is a mixed media work   30 by 60  in oil and watter color. pictures in progress soon.

Hope all are well.   Norman k. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring is here!!!

                                               Tuscan Memories  Watercolor.  14 x 18.

Hi all,  This was painted last fall.    Lots happening here by the Bay.

Will be having a stall at the local market this summer to sell my art. I will be also selling some of my fellow artists as well.  So  I've statrted to move things into high gear on the production front. 
lots of ideas.  Working on painting the sign right now. 

Hope all  are well and safe, as our world is going through great change 

Norman k.   

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Painting.....At last

stoicaly waiting for spring, water color.... 10 x 14

Finished painting from the class I just finished, at the college.

 One below is from summer of 2010

An Exploration of the seldom viewed  backs of buildings and ally ways.  This is the work that was in the Jurried show last October   
 Urban advebtures Oil 32 x 50
painted summer 2010
  And Now for some thoughts and questions.........

Well, as anybody watching the news these days can see there is lots of chaos..... it is making me thinks about where  we are going......  there are good things ...people making a stand, in protection of there right to bargin as in the U.S, or in the middle east fighting for the rights to chose there own destinys........I realise how privliaged it is to Be a Canadian....

But what exactly does it mean to be a Canadian at this time????   I invite comment. 


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello all.....

Just a short Update.... all is well here by the bay...... been busy with work... kids ect

I am takeing a water color class at the college, on painting winter in water color.  learned an great deal, and have signed you for another by same instructer Dona Bonnin in april.

check out the blogs im following, they are  some frends who are in Mexico with the International Social work Program  were insightfull.

will post some new paintings soon .......spring is comming soon

norman k,

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Picture at last!!!

Here at last is a new painting  Title is Watchtower.  40 x 32  Oil  for sale $550.00

It is loosely based on Jimmy Hendricks all along the watchtower.   A mix of brush and palate knife. Most ly painted in dec, jan... it is now hanging in the Belleville General Hospital.

Hope all are well.  and staying warm ..... spring is but  60 days away!!!