Sunday, October 26, 2014

hello and some thoughts on the week

Well, its been  a tough week for Canada.

To the families of  Patrice Vincent  and Nathan Cirillo,  Canada extend our thoughts and prayers.

The question is what do we do now?  We go on, but with an awareness that the world around us both with in Canada and at large is changing.

Canada s role  needs to change. Let it be understood I support our forces, But the way Canada deploys them needs to change. Our role needs to be on Peace keeping and rebuilding, not active combat. Our forces should focus on Humanitarian  aid, as there is clearly a great need in our messed up world, and Canada should be at the leading edge.

Here at home there needs to be vigilant, that these events do not impact our civil liberties, insuring that our Charter of Rights remains unaltered in the "name" of public protection.
Locally,  we need to focus on our communities. Get involved, volunteer your time with a local organisation. help your neighbor,   be aware of whats going on around you. People are struggling to get through life, offer to help when you see some one having a hard day  or moment,  slow down  take a moment to look around and help.

Go in Peace  Norman k.